Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Focal Points for Healing Chakra Meditation

The above is "Om Mane Padme Hum" meditating mantra written in Tibetan script.

Focal Points for Healing Chakra Meditation

Chakras are the focal points of energy that we use within our body. Chakras are located in seven important part of our body from head to the base of the spine. A chakra has its own unique attributes and characteristics. Each related chakra can be used to control the part of the body which is directly affected by the property of that specific chakra. The seven Chakras are:

1. Root Chakra
      Color: Red
      Gems: Ruby, Garnet
      Musical Note: C

2. Naval Chakra
     Color: Orange
     Gem: Amber, Coral
     Musical Note: D

3. Solar Plexus Chakra
     Color: Yellow
     Gem: Amber, Gold
     Musical Note: E

4. Heart Chakra
     Color: Green
     Gem: Emerald, Malachite
     Musical Note: F

5. Throat Chakra
     Color: Sky Blue
     Gem: Turquoise, Blue Topaz
     Musical Note: G

6. Brow Chakra
     Color: Indigo
     Gem: Lapis Lazuli, Sapphire
     Musical Note: A

7. Crown Chakra
     Color: Violet
     Gem: Amethyst, Diamond, Quartz Crystal
     Musical Note: B

The Root Chakra: It is located at the base of the spine. Being this Chakra is located at the bottom part of our body; its focus is on how our bodies are connection with material world. This Chakra is liked with your health, constitution and the security. This Chakra is also known as the coccyx. It is also very closely related to our body and ability to master it.

The Naval Chakra: It is located in lower abdomen by the genital area. This Chakra is associated with feeling and pleasure and more tied into sexuality, love and physical feelings of love. This Chakra is also linked with act of giving and receiving as well as reproduction.

The Solar Plexus Chakra: This is the Chakra where concentration and personal control energy are generated. This Chakra congregates sense of power, self-control, discipline of ego and sense of authority. With this Chakra one can use to sense use of internal energies to affect the outside body. It is locate in between chest and navel.

The Heart Chakra: It is located at the center of the chest. This Chakra is associated with Love center of human energy. It is also related to other virtuous emotions like happiness, joy, respect, honesty, respect, understanding and generosity, sincerity, compassion and affection. This is the Chakra we connect with others whom we love.

The Throat Chakra: This Chakra is associated with creativity and the power of communication. This is also known as our will center. This Chakra helps to express ourselves in most truthful manner. A Throat Chakra will not be able to sustain lies, manipulation and play tricks on others for personal gain. It is located right on the throat where we have a lump.

The Brow Chakra: This Chakra also known as “The Third Eye” Chakra mostly in Buddhism. This gives the ability to distinguish between reality and fantasy. It is our way of putting things in perspective. This Chakra is associated with our perception beyond the physical space. This Chakra also related with link between highest consciousness and basic instincts. It is located in the center of forehead just above the eyes.

The Crown Chakra: This chakra is located on top of the head. This is the seventh Chakra that helps to communicate with our spiritual nature when functioning optimally. This Chakra is directly associated with divine wisdom, mind, consciousness and inspiration. One can increase intuitive and spiritual ability by enhancing the Crown Chakra.

You can get healing chakra singing bowl tuned specific to your chakra from my webpage.
Please visit my webpage


Friday, April 9, 2010

Tibetan Singing Bowl

Tibetan Singing Bowls

Tibetan singing bowls are traditionally constructed of a 7 metal alloy, believed to include gold, silver, copper, iron, lead, tin, and mercury.  The singing bowls manufactured today contain five metals known as “Panchaloha” meaning five metals. Antique bowl often include gold, silver and nickel and made with hand hammering technique. The singing bowls were historically made in Tibet, Nepal, India, Bhutan, China, Japan and Korea. Today they are mostly made in Nepal, India, Japan and Korea.  The best known types are from Himalayan region known as “Tibetan Singing bowl”. Though specific historical records are not present, the historians believe that techniques for making the singing bowls existed in Asia as early as 2500 years ago. It is said that singing bowl was introduced in Tibet around the same time Buddhism was introduced by Buddhist master Padmasambhava. The techniques of making singing bowl today are more commercialized.
The newer singing bowls are manufactured and they are made from bronze just like the antique one but the bronze alloy may not contain gold and silver like the antiques. New singing bowls are mostly made in Nepal and India. The best handmade bowls are made in Nepal. Some high quality new singing bowls are also made in Japan and Korea but they are not widely available.
The bowls are being used in many Asian cultures but the exact ritual context is often difficult to understand. The bowls are commonly used as bell, cymbols and similar instrument in meditative practice. It is believed that the use of sound and vibration helps to meditate in Both Buddhism and Hinduism. In Buddhism, and in Hinduism, sound is an important part of spiritual practice.  In the Buddhist doctrine, out of nine methods of realization of reaching enlightenment, the seventh way is the sound.  Due to this fact, the sound produced by the bowl was used by Buddhist practitioners as part of their religious rituals and music. Certain sounds are used as therapy in many cultures, especially when someone is seen as out of balance or having lost his natural internal rhythm.
Today, singing bowls are most often used as meditation aids. However, the singing bowl  can be used as decoration piece or enjoy and relax with the sound that produces from singing bowl. Many people are fascinated with Tibetan Singing Bowls regardless of any spiritual connections.

Find good quality tested singing bowl at